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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Elizabeth Leighton, Ph.D.

Title: Director of Recruitment and Engagement
Department: REM Center
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-0316
Office: Wardlaw 013
Elizabeth Leighton, Ph.D.


Terminal Degree: Ph.D. in Educational Research and Measurement, University of South Carolina

MSW, University of South Carolina, 2005

B.S., Psychology, College of Charleston, 2002

Research Interests

Program evaluation, applications of latent variable modeling, assessment development, survey development, and investigating issues related to school climate in K-12 settings.


EDRM 423 - Classroom Assessment

Selected Publications

DiStefano, C., Ene, M., & Leighton, E. (2016). Teacher ratings of child behavior in preschool: A MIMIC investigation of the BESS TRS-P. Psychological Assessment, 28(8), 1015-1019.

DiStefano, C., Leighton, E., Ene, M., & Monrad, D.M. (2015). An examination of predictors and outcomes related to school climate using latent class analysis. In Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Concepts, Applications, and Misconceptions. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Selected Presentations

Leighton, E.A., Fan, X, Jiang, N., & Lewis, A. (2017, April). Using item response theory to investigate assessment quality in a large-scale music assessment program. Paper presented at the sixth International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Birmingham, England, UK.

Leighton, E.A., Ene, M., Guo, Z., McGrath, K., & Monrad, D.M. (2016, November). Utilizing school climate data as a component of program evaluation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA.

Leighton, E., Ene, M., Guo, X., McGrath, K., DiStefano, C., & Monrad, D.M. (2016, April). Investigating category changes in survey structure. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

Leighton, E., Johnson, R., & Wolfe, E. (2015, November). The use of teachers as raters in formal assessments: A review of the literature, issues, and future directions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
