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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon Thursday, Jan. 23.

College of Education

Latino Stakeholder Advisory Group

This group evolved out of CFEC’s work with focus groups of Spanish-speaking families. in the fall of 2020 and meets periodically as needed to advise CFEC as it develops tools and trainings designed to meet the unique needs of these families. The members of the group represent government agencies, non-profit organizations, educators, community leaders and parents from across the state. More recently, we have begun the practice of holding meetings of the group in English and in Spanish with an interpreter to encourage direct participation by Spanish-speaking parents.

CFEC’s work over the last several years to improve the access that families who speak Spanish or another language have to translation and interpretation services (language access) is a direct result of our conversations with this Advisory Group. CFEC relies on and is grateful for the many contributions this group has made to our work.

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