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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon Thursday, Jan. 23.

College of Education

Initial Employer Survey

As an employer, how important do you consider the following knowledge and skills sets in your teachers:

    Unimportant Somewhat Important Important Very Important
Survey Item N n % n % n % n %
Content/Subject Matter Knowledge 25 0 0.0 2 8.0 11 44.0 12 48.0
Instructional & Pedagogical Content Knowledge 25 0 0.0 2 8.0 8 32.0 15 60.0
Ability to collaborate with school-based colleagues & staff 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 4.0 24 96.0
Ability to align teaching with state college-and-career ready standards 25 0 0.0 1 4.0 8 32.0 16 64.0
Ability to engage family and community 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 40.0 15 60.0
Ability to develop a safe learning environment 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 8.0 23 92.0
Ability to assess student learning 25 0 0.0 1 4.0 4 16.0 20 80.0
Ability to teach students with disabilities 25 0 0.0 1 4.0 6 24.0 18 72.0
Ability to teach students with diverse backgrounds (race, gender, culture, socioeconomic) 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 4.0 24 96.0
Ability to use technology to enhance student learning 25 0 0.0 3 12.0 13 52.0 9 36.0
Ability to use technology to measure student learning 25 0 0.0 3 12.0 12 48.0 10 40.0


How would you rate USC graduates’ preparation in the following areas:

    Unprepared Somewhat prepared Prepared Very Well Prepared
Survey Item N n % n % n % n %
Collaboration with school-based colleagues & staff 25 0 0.0 1 4.0 12 48.0 12 48.0
Alignment of teaching with state standards 25 0 0.0 2 8.0 9 36.0 14 56.0
Family and community engagement 25 0 0.0 5 20.0 11 44.0 9 36.0
Content/subject matter 25 0 0.0 2 8.0 11 44.0 12 48.0
Instructional & pedagogical content knowledge 25 1 4.0 1 4.0 12 48.0 10 40.0
Development of a safe learning environment 25 1 4.0 3 12.0 10 40.0 11 44.0
Assessment of student learning 25 1 4.0 3 12.0 12 48.0 9 36.0
Teaching students with disabilities 25 1 4.0 9 36.0 8 32.0 7 28.0
Ability to teach students with diverse backgrounds (race, gender, culture, socioeconomic) 25 0 0.0 8 32.0 8 32.0 9 36.0


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
