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College of Education

Faculty Information

Log into Anthology Portfolio here.


I want to...

1. Sign into the Anthology Portfolio website with the ID and password you used when registering your AP code. chalk and wire home screen

2. There are two ways to access pending assessments.

First, you can click on your Pending Assessments tab in the middle of your Dashboard.

chalk and wire screenshot
If the Dashboard is not the screen that loads once you first log in, click the Menu icon and select the first entry, Dashboard, from the sliding navigation bar on the left. chalk and wire screenshot
Alternatively, you can click on the Assessment tab from the Menu, then click Assess. You should now see a listing of all of your pending assessments.You can navigate to the right and click on "Completed Assessments" to see all of the assessments that you have already reviewed.  chalk and wire screenshot
3. You will next see a list of awaiting assignments. Each assignment can be identified by the student's name, the rubric to be used, and the name of the submitted file.  This is to help identify different assignments that might be submitted at the same time from different classes.
 chalk and wire screenshot

4. To begin the assessment process, you will want to move your cursor over the line of the assignment you want to assess and click once.

You will want to click to the right of the student's name as clicking the actual name brings up the student's profile information. Once you click in the appropriate place on the line, a contextual menu pops up.  Assess is the option you need to click.

chalk and wire screenshot

5. The main viewing area is now divided into two parts: the rubric pane and the assignment pane. 

If you do not see both or would like to change the view of the rubric at any point, you can click on the View Full Instrument button highlighted in white beside the "Save" button.  

chalk and wire screenshot

 chalk and wire screenshot


6. From here, you can view the submitted video and Add Comments by clicking on the Add Comment button below the video. This will pause the video and allow for you to comment on that frame. You can type in your comment or click Record Audio Comment to speak your comment. You can add as many comments as you like throughout the portion of the video, and your intern will receive these along with the exact part of the video each comment was left. Ensure that you click Save Comment after you complete each.  


chalk and wire screenshot


7. You will now want to assess the assignment by selecting their scores in each part of the SCTS 4.0 rubric. All you will need to do is select the correct box on the rubric on the right of your screen. If for some reason you do not want to score using the rubric or do not want to score a certain criteria, you can select N/A. There is also an option to leave a comment after each part of the rubric. chalk and wire screenshot   

8. You can also choose to leave an overall comment on the submission in the Overall Comments box.

9. Your last step will be to select the green Save button at the top of the screen.chalk and wire screenshot10. You have now completed this student’s assessment and can then go back to the beginning of these instructions to assess your next student’s assignment.

Once rubrics have been entered into Anthology Portfolio and Assignments have been created in Blackboard to link to those rubrics, students can submit their assignments for review.  These are the steps necessary for assessing a student's work and ensuring that the result is properly captured for accreditation purposes.There are two ways to access student submissions.  You may access them through Blackboard, or log in directly to Anthology Portfolio.  We recommend directly logging in to Anthology Portfolio, but will present both options below. 


  1. step 1Log in to Blackboard with your regular Username and Password (

  2. step 1From the list of courses displayed on the right of your screen, click on the course that contains this assignment. Be certain to double-check the semester and year if you have taught this class before.

  3. step 1From the menu items on the left of the screen, click on the Assignments option. 

  4. step 1Click on the title of the assignment that has submissions to be reviewed.  This will open Anthology Portfolio inside of the Blackboard environment.  You may now skip to the ASSESSING A STUDENT ASSIGNMENT section below.


Anthology Portfolio 

identify register button1. Sign into the Anthology Portfolio website with the ID and password you used when registering your AP code.      2. There are two ways to access pending assessments. First, you can click on your Pending Assessments tab in the middle of your Dashboard. If the Dashboard is not the screen that loads once you first log in, click the Menu icon and select the first entry, Dashboard, from the sliding navigation bar on the left.assessor image       assessor image   Alternatively, you can click on the Assessment tab from the Menu, then click Assess. You should now see a listing of all of your pending assessments. You can navigate to the right and click on Completed Assessments to see all of the assessments that you have already reviewed.

3. You will next see a list of awaiting assignments. Each assignment can be identified by the student's name, the rubric to be used, and the name of the submitted file.  This is to help identify different assignments that might be submitted at the same time from different classes.

step 1

step 14. To begin the assessment process, you will want to move your cursor over the line of the assignment you want to assess and click once.  You will want to click to the right of the student's name as clicking the actual name brings up the student's profile information.  Once you click in the appropriate place on the line, a contextual menu pops up.  Assess is one of the options and is the option you need to click.

5. The main viewing area is now divided into two parts:  the rubric pane and the assignment pane.  If you do not see both or would like to change the view of the rubric at any point, you can click on the View Full Instrument button highlighted in white beside the Save button

Assessor tutorial

Assessor tutorial

    6. From here, you can view the submitted work, add overall comments by clicking on the gear icon, or download the student’s submission. You can also click “View” and add comments or draw/underline directly on the submission using the pen and comment icons. Leaving comments is not required, but this is an option. Assessor tutorial

Assessor tutorial

You will now want to Assess the assignment using your rubric. To the right of your screen, you will see your rubric split into parts (as shown below). To see the entire rubric, you can select the “View Full Instrument” icon.Assessor tutorial
 - View Full Assessment Icon

Assessor tutorial

8. From this screen, you can hover over each box to see criteria or choose to “Show Detailed View” to see all of the criteria listed in the rubric.

Assessor tutorial

  Assessor tutorial        9. Once the elements of the rubric are set as you would like them, you can begin assessing. To select the appropriate level of a rubric’s standard for the student’s submission, simply click in the square. If it turns green, you have successfully selected that level of proficiency for that standard. 10. When all of the proficiency levels have been selected, click the green Save button. You will receive a message on the screen notifying you the assessment has been saved. You may also save the assessment as a draft and come back to it at a later time.  Click the Save As Draft checkbox and then the Save button to create a draft version.assessor tutorial   11. Once an assignment has been saved, options for placing a score automatically in Blackboard becomes visible at the left of the screen. This area, as seen in the image below, provides an average score of the different rubric categories, a space for you to enter the percentage grade for the assignment based on the rubric, and a drop-down box for you to select which assignment in the Blackboard grade book the score should be placed.  PLEASE NOTE:  you may not enter a point score in the percentage grade box and have it transfer to Blackboard accurately.  It must be a percentage grade. If you do not want a score to transfer to Blackboard gradebook, do not worry about entering anything into this box. You can always enter a manual points grade into Blackboard.  assessor tutorial       12. You have now completed this student’s assessment and can then go back to the beginning of these instructions to assess your next student’s assignment.  

Once students have submitted their Palmetto College assignments via Anthology Portfolio, follow the steps below to assess and add comments to the student’s work.1. Sign into the Anthology Portfolio website with the ID and password you used when registering your AP code.identify register button      2. There are two ways to access pending assessments. First, you can click on your Pending Assessments tab in the middle of your Dashboard. If the Dashboard is not the screen that loads once you first log in, click the Menu icon and select the first entry, Dashboard, from the sliding navigation bar on the left.assessor image       assessor image      Alternatively, you can click on the Assessment tab from the Menu, then click Assess. You should now see a listing of all of your pending assessments. You can navigate to the right and click on Completed Assessments to see all of the assessments that you have already reviewed. assessor image     3. You will next see a list of awaiting assignments. Each assignment can be identified by the student's name, the rubric to be used, and the name of the submitted file.  This is to help identify different assignments that might be submitted at the same time from different classes.   assessor image           4. To begin the assessment process, you will want to move your cursor over the line of the assignment you want to assess and click once. You will want to click to the right of the student's name as clicking the actual name brings up the student's profile information.  Once you click in the appropriate place on the line, a contextual menu pops up.  Assess is one of the options and is the option you need to click. assessor image       5. The main viewing area is now divided into two parts:  the rubric pane and the assignment pane.  If you do not see both or would like to change the view of the rubric at any point, you can click on the View Full Instrument button highlighted in white beside the Save button.   assessor image     assessor image            6. From here, you can view the submitted video and Add Comments by clicking on the Add Comment button below the video. This will pause the video and allow for you to comment on that frame. You can type in your comment or click Record Audio Comment to speak your comment. You can add as many comments as you like throughout the portion of the video, and your intern will receive these along with the exact part of the video each comment was left. Ensure that you click Save Comment after you complete each.assessor image                   7. You will now want to “assess” the assignment by acknowledging that you received the video submission. All you will need to do is select the 2 box on the rubric on the right of your screen. When you hover over this 2, you will see that it says “Complete. Assignment was uploaded correctly and received by the supervisor.” If the student did not correctly upload a video, then you can select 1, which says “Incomplete. Assignment was not uploaded correctly.” The student will then be notified and can resubmit.assessor image                   8. You can also choose to leave an overall comment on the submission in the Overall Comments box, but this is not required.9. Your last step will be to select the green Save button at the top of the screen.assessor image   10. You have now completed this student’s assessment and can then go back to the beginning of these instructions to assess your next student’s assignment.

Log in to Blackboard with your network username and password. This will be the same information that is used for your campus email account.


Click on the Courses selection from the activity stream menu at the left of your screen. Select the appropriate course from the Course List.


Once you have selected the appropriate course, click on the Add Content (+) icon under Course Content. Select Content Market.


Next, you will be redirected to the Content Market- Institution Tools Page.


Scroll down and select the (+) on the Chalk and Wire.


You will now see a Chalk and Wire assignment under your Course Content. Click on the three dots to the right of your screen and select Edit.


Select the pencil icon next to the title and give your assignment a unique name. Use the dropdown menu and select “Visible to Students”. Next, select “Create gradebook entry for this item” and fill in the relevant due date, the grading system you will use, maximum points, and grade category. Then, click Save.


Click on your link and select your Department and your Table of Contents. Please leave the Group option blank. Choose your assignment and click Save.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
