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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Tom F. Hudson

Title: Executive Director, SC School Improvement Council
Department: SC School Improvement Council & Center for Educational Partnerships
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-9618

Wardlaw Suite 001

Tom Hudson


Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy & Religion, Maryville College (TN)


School Improvement Councils, parent and community engagement


Mr. Hudson joined the SC School Improvement Council staff in 2007, following a 25-year career in communications, public information, media relations, and reporting in the public, private, and education sectors. He currently oversees the work of SC-SIC and provides training, technical assistance, and other support to local SIC members, educators, and public officials. He also serves as co-coordinator of the SC Education Policy Fellowship Program (SC-EPFP). He has gained specialized expertise with School Improvement Councils as a school district SIC contact, a local SIC vice-chair and member, and as a member of SC-SIC's State Board of Trustees. He has served as president of the SC Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (SC/NSPRA), is a past member of the Beaufort County First Steps Partnership Board, and was formerly education committee chair for the Greater Columbia Community Relations Council. He is a 2010 Diversity Fellow of the Riley Institute at Furman University, and a 2012 Education Policy Fellow of the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, DC. He has completed an assortment of professional development opportunities and trainings related to education, public/media relations, quality improvement, organizational leadership, and community mediation.

Selected awards

Award of Merit in Publications and Electronic Media, National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), for multimedia annual report, Report to the People, 2007

Award of Merit in Publications, NSPRA, for special purpose publication, Building a Bride to the Future, 2007

Award for Excellence in Publications and Electronic Media, SC Chapter, National School Public Relations Association (SC/NSPRA), for multimedia annual report, Report to the People, 2007

Award of Excellence in Publications, SC/NSPRA, for special purpose publication, Building a Bride to the Future, 2007

Co-recipient, Award of Merit, SC Chapter, Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), for multimedia annual report, 2005

Co-recipient, Silver Wing Award, SC Chapter, PRSA, for state's best two-color annual report, 2004

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
